Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Image Trace: Are you getting mono tone when applying colors in Adobe Illustrator?

Trying to change the fill colour after completing trace and expanding image in Adobe Illustrator?

Are you getting question mark and when you change the colour and the whole art board turning grey no matter what colour you choose? Here you go with the solution.

Here are my answers to your questions regarding live trace in Illustrator


This is because document colors are set to grayscale mode.


Go to the color panel, click the down-arrow in the top right corner, and change there Gray Scale to RGB/CMYK as per your requirement.

Step 1: 

Place the image which you want to trace.

Step 2:

Select the image and make Image Trace from Object panel.

Object -> Image trace -> Make and Expand

Ungroup the Traced Image by press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+G or right click on the image and select Ungroup.

Now select the shape and change the color .

But here the color changed into gray rather than purple.

To fix this issue go to the color panel, click the down-arrow in the top right corner, and change there Gray Scale to RGB/CMYK as per your requirement.

Now you can able to change the color of the traced image.

How to create Isometric Graphics in Adobe Illustrator

In this tutorial, I would like to share with you how to create a simple Isometric graphic design.

Step 1:

To kick start, let's create a new  A4 document.

Set up a New Document (File > New or Cmd/Ctrl-N) using the following settings:
  • Name: Isometric Graphic
  • Blank Document Presets: A4 
  • Orientation: Landscape
  • Number of Artboards: 1
  • Width: 297
  • Height: 210
  • Units: Millimeters
  • Color Mode: RGB
And click Create.

Create a Polygon by pick the Polygon Tool  from the toolbar and remove the color from the stroke and set fill color to #00000. 

Move to your art-board and create a 50 mm polygon.

Radius: 50 mm

Sides: 6

Click OK.

Step 3:

Create copy of that Polygon

Copy (Cmd/Ctrl+C) and Paste(Cmd/Ctrl+V) the Polygon and scale that to W: 60mm H: 70mm.

Set stroke none and  fill color to #6D6D6D. 

Width: 60 mm

Height: 70 mm

Click OK.

Continue the same process again with different metrics and color.

Copy (Cmd/Ctrl+C) and Paste(Cmd/Ctrl+V) the Polygon and scale that to W: 35mm H: 40mm.

Set stroke none and  fill color to #BCBCBC. 

Width: 60 mm

Height: 70 mm

Click OK.

Step 4:

Make sure Smart Guides is checked before work on the design.

View-> Smart Guides

Select the Pen Tool from tool bar and draw a line inside the Polygons as shown below.

Select All (Command-A), and click divide option from Pathfinder

Now change the color by your swatches. Here I used the below swatches to create a isometric  cubicles.

Concept is simple Dark (denote Shade Effect) -> Light (denote Normal) -> Lighter(denote Light Effect) 

I hope this tutorial was helpful.

Thanks for going through this tutorial with me. Feel free to share your Isometric Graphic designs in the comments section below, and if you have any questions, let me know.

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